How to Easily Get a Medical Marijuana Card on Merritt Island

How to Easily Get a Medical Marijuana Card on Merritt Island
Somewhere in Brevard, there are monstrous beasts roaming freely. The tallest of them are between 15-18 feet tall, and they will eat all your trees.
The giraffes at Brevard Zoo are quite a sight. While they’d gladly eat all your trees, they shouldn’t be allowed near your medical cannabis. If you’re a medical cannabis patient on Merritt Island, the 30-minute ride to the zoo should be a smooth one.
That’s partly because the people at My Florida Green make becoming a medical marijuana patient incredibly easy.
We Make Getting a Medical Marijuana Card Easy on Merritt Island, Florida
There’s more than one way to get a medical marijuana card when living on Merritt Island. However, there’s only one way that gives you so much more. That’s by going to an Educational Symposium of ours. Attendees have access to the doctors who’ll be treating them, the cannabis business leaders that will be serving them, and much more.
For convenience sake, we’ve even made it possible to get your medical marijuana recommendation on-the-spot at one of our events.
Before you do, you can have all your questions answered by one of our staff. Our events are tailored to bring fresh faces into the medical marijuana industry and help them get started on the right foot.
For example, you might have a question related to health; at our event, you can ask it in person. If you’ve heard about the opiate crisis and you’re nervous about trying something new, we understand. That’s why we like to make clear what the research has to say about addiction and dangers in medical cannabis versus traditional pharmaceuticals.
Can I Get Addicted To and Die From Medical Cannabis Use?
For the overwhelming majority, addiction never occurs with cannabis use. That’s because your body doesn’t get physically addicted to cannabinoids the way it does opioids. When your body is flooded with opioids, then your body also stops producing them, so a withdrawal occurs if the opiod intake ceases.
For cannabinoids, our bodies continue to make our own endogenous cannabinoids whether we’re consuming or not. And for people who quit smoking cannabis even after a long time, they never report physical pain like opioid withdrawals produce.
However, it is possible to get psychologically addicted to cannabis in the same way that video games, drinking a soda, or having a coffee can become psychologically addictive. In that sense, it’s no more dangerous than any of those activities.
The worst side effects associated with cannabis withdrawal are often vivid and powerful dreams, an urge to consume cannabis, and perhaps a touch of grumpiness when the urge isn’t being fulfilled. However, most consumers, even chronic users, can simply stop consuming and show almost zero side-effects.
Overall, cannabis isn’t something you have to worry about getting addicted to. You certainly can’t die from it.
What is the Effect of Medical Cannabis on the Brain?
Our brains are a major part of the end cannabinoid system (ECS). It’s the system that regulates our homeostasis and engages in a wide range of functions including:
        Stabilizing digestion.
        Boosting immune response.
        Regulating pain and stress.
        And more.
Our brains happen to be laced with ECS receptors. Specifically, their CB1 receptors are highly receptive to the cannabinoid THC—the compound responsible for the euphoric ‘high’ when consuming cannabis. After a vaporized toke of cannabis, our brains quickly become saturated with THC and it rapidly absorbs it.
To the brain, it’s difficult to distinguish between the phytocannabinoid THC and the endogenous transmitter anandamide. Anandamide is commonly referred to as the ‘bliss molecule.’ Its presence in our bodies is associated with positive feelings and euphoria. It’s no surprise then that it’s cannabis counterpart offers a similar effect.
Consuming cannabis also impacts our dopamine and norepinephrine levels, as well. As a result, our minds are freed to explore and our bodies often feel a sense of release, comfort, and relaxation.
There’s a lot going on inside the brain during cannabis use. When it’s tied to maintaining good health, medical cannabis is an effective tool to treat both the body and the mind.
A few downsides that can sometimes occur with cannabis use also occur in the brain, however. For example, short-term memory may be impacted while under the impairment of cannabis. Likewise, movement and coordination may be stifled to a degree. In fact, it’s illegal to drive while impaired in Florida, even though medical cannabis is legal.
Lastly, some consumers are shown to have impaired cognitive functions while consuming. This is often attributed to first-time consumers or people who haven’t consumed in a very long time. With exposure, cognitive functions seem to normalize quite readily.
So, are you ready to get a medical marijuana card?
Easiest Way to Get a Medical Marijuana Card on Merritt Island, Florida
Our Educational Symposiums can’t be matched in terms of value delivered. They’re time-efficient and place patients right where they need to be to enter the medical marijuana program correctly.
However, that’s not the only way to get a medical marijuana card on Merritt Island, Florida. In fact, there’s a simple five-step process to quickly joining the medical marijuana program there.
  1. Contact Dr. Mark Hashim’s office and establish care with him.
  2. Schedule an appointment with his office in Melbourne, Florida.
  3. Attend an in-person consultation with Dr. Hashim as his office in Melbourne.
  4. Receive your medical marijuana recommendation at the consultation.
  5. Apply to the State of Florida for the Medical Marijuana Registry Card.
Once you’ve done all that, you just have to wait for your card. The State often quotes between 5 days and few weeks, depending on the method of application.
Be sure you take your card with you everytime you go a dispensary. Likewise, carry it with you if you’re ever in possession of medical cannabis. Keep an eye on it; every seven months, the State of Florida requires people to renew their card.

If you have any questions about the medical marijuana program in Merritt Island, feel free to attend one of our Educational Symposiums. Or, simply contact us today for more information!


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