Micro Dosing THC and CBD: What You Need to Know

Micro dosing has gained popularity in recent years as a means to provide users of marijuana with a way to control the high. It has proven to be a good option for those who may not have much experience with marijuana, but who still want to feel the effects on a microscale. Micro dosing can be done with CBD, which provides the medical benefits of marijuana, or it can be done with THC, the psychoactive ingredient. By micro dosing, for example, it can allow people to reduce the intensity of the psycho-activity in the brain, which can allow them to be more relaxed while not having the typical feeling of being high.

The Main Benefits of Micro Dosing

There are many reasons that people may want to start micro dosing. As mentioned, it can provide more of a subdued effect, which can be optimal for some users. In addition, it can allow users to stretch out their supply for longer.
Micro dosing can also allow for other benefits. There is a substantial amount of literature and studies that highlight how cannabis can help medically with a range of conditions. It has been used as therapy for treating anxiety, stress, depression, inflammation, indigestion, and chronic pain to name a few. Through micro dosing, patients control their doses throughout the day and feel better.
Many strains of cannabis will also provide a sense of alertness and creativity. Taking small doses at different points throughout the day can provide a safe way to have a pickup throughout the day. Additionally, micro dosing can help to relieve any side effects that some patients might have when they are taking a full dose. For example, some people who take too much THC could feel higher levels of anxiety than others who take the same amount. Micro dosing can help to control this. This provides them with the benefits and none of the drawbacks. It is easy to use and you can learn to dose properly for your own needs.
Of course, while there are plenty of benefits to micro dosing, many people do not understand what it involves or how they should do it. Fortunately, you will find that it tends to be quite simple, although it might take some time to get it just right.

Deeper Into the Benefits

Depending on the person, as well as their needs and lifestyle, micro dosing has the potential to help in a range of ways. Those who need to be creative in their work or in their hobbies will find that micro dosing can allow them to be more productive and still allow them to have a clear mind. Some might need to find a better way to relax. As mentioned, it can offer some help with medical issues and problems. Let’s look a little closer at how this can help with different conditions.
For those who have pain and inflammation, for example, using micro doses of THC has the potential to activate the endocannabinoid system, which can lead to pain relief. With the micro doses, it will ensure that there is no psychoactive high involved.
It is also possible to treat nausea when using small amounts of cannabis. Those who have gone through chemotherapy and who have nausea because of that therapy have found that using cannabis can provide them with relief from nausea. Many have found that it helps them to treat their nausea better than other medications.
Many people already know that cannabis can help them with their insomnia. However, if the dose of THC is too high, it can make getting up in the morning more difficult. By micro dosing, it allows people to relax and to go into a natural and deep sleep. Many have said that edibles tend to work very well when it comes to treating insomnia.
There are studies that show that cannabis can be used effectively to help treat depression and anxiety. However, many may not realize that when the dose of THC is too high, it can actually cause more of these feelings, causing the problem to worsen. This is where micro dosing can help. By using the micro dose, it is possible to improve mood and reduce anxiety without any psychoactive effects. In addition, there are a range of CBD products on the market today that can help with these conditions, and CBD can actually counter the psychoactive effects of THC.

What Are the Negatives?

With all of the positives associated with micro dosing THC and CBD, you are probably wondering where all the negatives are. Fortunately, you will find that the negatives really do tend to be quite minimal. The biggest challenge is to find the dose that is going to work well for their needs. While you might be able to find information that provides you with ideas for a “generic dosage”, this does not mean that the dosage will be right for you. The best dose is going to vary from one person to another. Some might find that five milligrams work for them, while someone else with the same condition might find that they only need two milligrams.
The best thing you can do is start with a very low dose and then move up from there slowly until you find what works ideally for your needs. See how you feel, try various consumption methods, discussed below, and alter the dosages or the delivery methods until you find the one that works right for you.

Who Might Want to Try Micro Dosing?

Anyone who uses cannabis can attempt micro dosing to see whether they like the effects and benefits that it offers. However, it tends to be a great option for those who are using medical marijuana for the first time. These people do not always know how they are going to react to marijuana, so by using micro doses, it can allow for a better and easier way to be introduced without feeling overwhelmed. Even those who are more experienced can find that micro dosing THC and CBD can be beneficial

How to Micro Dose

While micro dosing might sound complex, it really is not too difficult to understand. At the most basic level, it simply means that you would be taking very small amounts of marijuana and only enough to start to feel the sensations that are expected. The threshold of being high is never reached so you will not have to worry about anything interfering with your thought processes.
The reason that micro dosing can be tricky to get right is that that the “right dose” and the “sensation” you need will be different from one person to the next. It can also differ based on whether you are trying to micro dose with THC or with CBD. People simply react differently to the feeling of being high and people tend to have different tolerances.
One of the first things that you will need to consider is just how you plan to consume the cannabis. Because there are many ways to use marijuana, there are just as many ways that you can micro dose.
·         Smoking – One of the simplest methods of micro dosing is through smoking marijuana. By using less marijuana, you can lower the dosage. However, it is important to realize that of all of the methods discussed here, this will give the user the least control over the dosage size.
·         Vaping – With vaping, it tends to be easier for you to measure the dosages that you are getting.
·         Edibles – For those who do not want to smoke or vape, edibles are a good choice. The doses are also easy to measure with edibles, as you can control exactly how much cannabis is being used. However, it is important to know that the sensations of being high will feel different with edibles. Instead of coming on all at once, it tends to have a slower and more gradual buildup.
Other forms of cannabis, such as oils and sprays could be used, as well. Again, it will often take some experimentation to determine what the perfect dose will be based on your specific needs.
What Should You Do?
If you are a patient who needs to have medical marijuana to deal with a health problem, you will want to seriously consider the benefits of micro-dosing THC and CBD to get the desired effects without any of the potential negatives. This is very true of those who are nervous about using marijuana for the first time. You can start off slow and find the dosage that will work well for you.

Those who are located in Florida and who need to use medical marijuana for their health will want to find a location that can supply them with quality medical marijuana. My Florida Green is the best choice in the state to learn more about getting a Florida Medical Marijuana card. You can also learn more about medical marijuana in Florida.


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